The Barn Cabins & Camp

Water Taxi – Winter Schedule

Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.

Experience the Beauty of the Abel Tasman from the comfort of the purpose-built, quiet and eco-friendly Aqua Taxis. They provide the best transport around the Abel Tasman. We always recommend getting the first boat out of Marahau to where ever you are going, and walking back out. That way you don’t have to worry about missing the boat at the end of the afternoon!

The trips will make a quick detour to Split Apple Rock before heading off into The Park. On the way up, you will stop by Adele Island in the Astrolabe to find a few seals. They are usually sun bathing on the Northside after a bit of fishing! From here you are just 10min away from Anchorage.

All Aqua Taxi trips out of Marahau will be booked with free transport from The Barn main car park.

All bookings are subject to availability. Winter schedule may vary slightly (1 May – 30 Sep). We process bookings only during office hours.

Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.

Water Taxi – Winter Schedule

Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.

Experience the Beauty of the Abel Tasman from the comfort of the purpose-built, quiet and eco-friendly Aqua Taxis. They provide the best transport around the Abel Tasman. We always recommend getting the first boat out of Marahau to where ever you are going, and walking back out. That way you don’t have to worry about missing the boat at the end of the afternoon!

The trips will make a quick detour to Split Apple Rock before heading off into The Park. On the way up, you will stop by Adele Island in the Astrolabe to find a few seals. They are usually sun bathing on the Northside after a bit of fishing! From here you are just 10min away from Anchorage.

All Aqua Taxi trips out of Marahau will be booked with free transport from The Barn main car park.

All bookings are subject to availability. Winter schedule may vary slightly (1 May – 30 Sep). We process bookings only during office hours.

Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.


Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.

Experience the Beauty of the Abel Tasman from the comfort of the purpose-built, quiet and an eco-friendly Water Taxi. They provide the best transport around the Abel Tasman. We always recommend getting the first boat out of Marahau to where ever you are going, and walking back out. That way you don’t have to worry about missing the boat at the end of the afternoon!

The trips will make a quick detour to Split Apple Rock before heading off into The Park. On the way up, you will stop by Adele Island in the Astrolabe to find a few seals. They are usually sunbathing on the Northside after a bit of fishing! From here you are just 10min away from Anchorage.

All Water Taxi trips out of Marahau will be booked with free transport from The Barn main car park. We can’t guarantee space if you are booking the night before a departure.

Winter Schedule (1st of May – 30th of Sep). Click here for the summer schedule.

Additional information

Departure Location

Anchorage, Awaroa, Bark Bay, Marahau, Marahau – Pitt Head Trip – to Anchorage, Marahau – Falls River Trip – to Torrent, Marahau – Beaches & Bays Trip – to Bark, Onetahuti, Totaranui


Anchorage, Awaroa, Bark Bay, Depart Awaroa 3:00pm, Depart Bark Bay 2:15, Depart Bark Bay 3:45, Marahau, Onetahuti, Torrent Bay, Totaranui, Depart Anchorage 3:30

Departure Time - Winter

10:00am, 10:15am, 10:25am, 10:40am, 11:00am, 2:30pm, 2:45pm, 3:00pm, 3:15pm, 3:30pm, 9:30am


Adult – 15+, Child – 5 to 14 years.

Water taxi for Abel Tasman Trips
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